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April 15, 2024

4 business use cases enabled by Argil's AI deepfake generator

Explore the power of AI deepfake technology to streamline your video content creation, enabling personalized branding, multilingual reach, and efficient A/B testing. Learn how to leverage these innovations for your business.

Othmane Khadri


  • AI deepfake generator enables seamless, cost-efficient personalized video content
  • Bypass language barriers and unlock global audiences with AI-powered multilingual content
  • Leverage AI deepfakes for effective ad campaign A/B testing
  • Create authentic-looking AI influencers for your brand's marketing
  • Argil is a leading AI deepfake enabler for video content creation
  • AI deepfake technology offers unprecedented opportunities in 2024

2024 will be the year of video content, not just for big productions or established content creators.

I mean video content for everyone. If you take a moment to scroll on Instagram or Tiktok, you’ll notice a pattern in viral videos and top-of-funnel content:

99% of them are not created by big productions. It’s normal people with normal lives sharing normal stories. This desire to get more authentic and raw content is already a big leap forward in breaking the first barrier to entry, but one thing remains:

How do you create content when you don’t have the time, the will, or the creative impulse?

AI deepfake generator.

In the last 6 months, you surely saw hundreds of posts on Twitter, YouTube, and LinkedIn about AI deepfakes (unless you live in a cave). This shouldn’t go unnoticed for the threat it represents.

Still, an AI deepfake generator can be a gold mine of opportunities, especially for service providers (digital agencies, marketing consultants, content creators, and solopreneurs).

In this article, I’ll cover 4 business use cases enabled by an AI deepfake generator.

AI deepfake generator to create personalized video content for clients

As B2B marketing evolves, founders know the importance of their personal brand. From ghostwriting agencies, full branding management (Multi-canal creation), and leadership/public speaking coaching, there are opportunities all around.

But for video-content agencies, it’s tough. If they want to deliver a premium service, here’s what the process looks like:

  1. Reserve a studio
  2. Have a team of makeup experts to prepare your client
  3. Record with top cameras hours of rush (prepare the scripts)
  4. Send this to your video editor
  5. See all the mistakes you did in step 2&3

Well, now imagine what you could do with an AI deepfake generator:

Ask your client for a simple 2-minute video (with a good enough quality), and run it through an AI deepfake generator such as Argil (promo time :)).

The process is seamless, cost-efficient, and scalable.

The videos can then be used in an infinite number of settings, from pure personal branding to training videos for new employees or customer engagement campaigns (email mass acquisition).

Personalized video content experiences a 3x higher click-through rate and a 20% increase in conversions.

I let you sit on these numbers and decide what agency you will launch.

AI deepfake generator: Multilingual content creation enabler

With the current SOTA of AI deepfake models, there’s definitely a play in building an agency specializing in multilingual content for creators.

It’s the first time in history that cultural barriers can be bypassed. Language is the first layer of this one, if you nail this, you can definitely get ahead and unlock global reach (worldwide audiences will be a real thing).

Let’s take Mister Beast as an example. He decides to distribute his content through different YouTube channels for each language. That’s inefficient, the production cost must be crazy, and he’s scattering his audience.

A wider audience = better brand recognition = international sales.

You could build an AI agency that leverages an AI deepfake generator for your clients and distributes their content in the new language they want to build an audience in.

You can do that on Argil with just a few clicks, maintaining the original voice type or modifying it to better suit the local voice preferences.

Forget about costly translation or re-filming.

AI deepfake generator for ads A/B testing campaigns

Ad agencies make a lot of money running full campaigns for their clients, and one of the most painful and costly parts of the process is coming up with the A/B testing ideas, asking the clients for additional videos, and assigning additional work to your video editor.

When you know that A/B testing your video campaigns can increase your conversion rate by up to 32%, you can’t decide just to ignore them.

A/B testing ads is the fastest way to find what effective messaging and visuals can drive more sales, but so far, the way it’s done is limited by what assets you can get to play with.

It can be highly frustrating for creative teams not to see their ideas come to life because it’s not cost-effective for the agency or the client doesn’t have the time to provide the resources.

With an AI deepfake generator, the game is different, especially if you’re using one with a dashboard that helps you create the content but also helps you compare and optimize the different video versions.

Produce authentic influencer-style content with an AI deepfake generator

A very hot topic for B2B marketing in 2024: AI influencers.

Earlier in this article, I mentioned the importance of a founder-brand in B2B marketing, but still, some are reluctant and won’t make the effort.

What’s the option left?

  1. Pay for content creators/influencers
  2. Push your employees to be the brand ambassadors
  3. Create a proprietary AI influencer

AI deepfake generators do not just enable self-deepfake creation; the technology is a real goldmine for people looking to create AI influencers.

The information asymmetry and need for technical knowledge make the business model one of the most profitable:

  1. Choose a different industry to build AI influencers for
  2. Map the content strategy and preferred video format
  3. Build the associated audience
  4. Rent access for an extended period of time for B2B marketing purposes

This gives the company control over the content, is cost-effective, and allows them to scale content production based on the specific event in hand.

Some examples of AI-influencer use cases:

  1. Estée Lauder partnered with Anthropic to create an AI-generated influencer named Xiao Wen, who generated over 1 million views on social media and a 25% increase in engagement.
  2. Bud Light leveraged AI-powered deepfake technology to create a series of "virtual influencer" videos that drove a 15% lift in brand awareness and a 9% increase in purchase intent.
  3. The fitness brand Peloton showcased its products using AI-generated influencer content, which resulted in a 23% higher conversion rate compared to traditional influencer marketing campaigns.

AI deepfake generators were a fun trend in late 2023, but in 2024, they’re a real mine of opportunities. Argil will be the N1 AI deepfake enabler for video content, letting creators express themselves at scale using their own deepfake.

If you want to bypass our waitlist, it’s here.

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Argil is paving the way to a new world where everyone will leverage the most engaging format, video, effortlessly.